Thursday, March 6, 2025
Population 3000-4999

Montesano, WA: a great place to meet over a cup of Coffee

January 2023: We stopped by Montesano (population 4,138*) on a cool foggy morning in late January to take a look around their downtown area. The business district is a short drive from Hwy 12 along the south side of town.  The town boundary to the north includes a large area for Lake Sylvia State Park.


Montesano – A brief history

The present day site of Montesano got it start as a family homestead referred locally as “Scammon’s landing” and was known as an important stopping point along the Chehalis River for early pioneers – and the furthest up-river mooring point (and railroad junction) for seagoing ships.  The name “Montesano” was derived from the Spanish meaning “mountain of health” and became the county seat in 1886.

Downtown vibe / walkability

We parked in front the Lemon Hill Café & Bookstore to and decided to grab a coffee and cupcake.  What a cool place! While there, we also looked through their large selection of books and other gift items.  I am a big fan of the combination of a coffee shop and shopping, as they seem very much complementary businesses.  You can shop while waiting and/or eating, and often find the very thing you never knew you needed.   This shop was relatively big with quite a bit of seating – so also a great gathering space for friends and neighbors. 

It turns out that Montesano has not one, but two popular local Coffee Shops! The other is called All Wrapped Up Coffee & Gifts. Their baked goods look amazing!  Also, across the street is a popular market & Juice Bar

We walked around the business district to get a feel for Montesano as a place.  The county building was historic and beautifully restored.  There appeared to be a couple of interesting buildings with shops and restaurants, although we didn’t stop at any others. It was good to see lofts in one of the downtown buildings as an example of mixed-use development. This downtown area seems like it would be a neat place to live and work.

Local Activities / Events

Montesano has its own local chamber of commerce website. Online i found a full array of event options in 2023, including a July historic car show through downtown, a Brew Fest in September, Downtown Trick or Treat in October and a pretty cool looking Festival of Lights in December.

Visit the Grays Harbor County website for suggestions on what amazing things to do and see in the area.

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