Mapleton, ND: A historic agriculture town serves up golf and good brews in a bedroom community!
Mapleton, ND
Population 1,320 (*2020 Census)
May 2024: During a lovely late spring Friday morning, we visited Mapleton, ND (pop.1320*). We met my aunt and uncle at the local Icewind Brewery. We also visited the Maple River Golf Clubhouse for lunch. It was fun to learn more about this small historic town which has become a popular bedroom community for nearby Fargo.
Mapleton is 10 miles west of the city of Fargo, ND (pop. 126,000*), located in Cass County, North Dakota. It sits on the east bank of the Maple River.
Mapleton – A Brief History
The town of Mapleton was originally settled in 1870 along the Maple River, as part of the Northern Pacific railroad survey effort. The Railroad Station was called Maple River. However, the settlement name was changed to Mapleton when the post office was established in 1875. Historical records have it that the original inhabitant of the area was Mary Bishop, who became the first postmaster. By 1880 Fargo and Mapleton were approximately the same size in population and area.
The area’s fertile land was a significant draw for settlers during the railroad and territory expansion era of the late 1800s. Newspapers of the era reported crowded passenger trains, and hotels filled with cots in halls and parlors, all flocking to the area to participate in an Agriculture economy.
In 1884, Mapleton was officially incorporated into a city, in the Dakota Territory (i.e. before ND became a state in 1889). Back then Mapleton commanded an area of four-square miles. As far back as anyone can remember there were at least four elevators, two grocery stores, three hotels, one hardware store and a fine old country doctor by the name of Dr. Mitchel.

Small town vibe
Mapleton Today!
Today the historic town of Mapleton is bustling with new homes and businesses, as it further develops into a bedroom community for nearby Fargo. There appears to be little left of the historic downtown infrastructure – however, Mapleton has become a popular golf course community with many neighborhoods and local businesses that serve them.
#1 Shout out to the local Brewery!
- Icewind Brewing – Google Maps – we loved this brewery! good beer and a nice “third place” atmosphere with many tables, games and a general vibe of community.

#2. Love a local Coffee Shop and Bar & Grill
- Muddy Boots Coffee House – Google Maps – we didn’t get here, but it’s google reviews and photos look good!
- Hagge’s Bar & Grill – Google Maps

#3. Home of the Maple River Golf Course!
- Maple River Golf Club – Google Maps – Good Golf and Good lunch! 🙂

More to Explore!
Organizations that support community in Mapleton
- Mapleton | North Dakota – city website
- Mapleton | North Dakota – community calendar
- MRGC – City Golf Course
- COMMUNITY PROFILE – Mapleton City Plan Update
- Mapleton Comprehensive & Transportation Plan – Fargo metro area related Comprehensive Plan for Mapleton
- Official Tourism Website for Fargo, ND & Moorhead, MN – Tourism for the larger metro area!