Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Small Town

See how towns are using Creative Districts as an Economic Driver!

February 2024: As i look back on our last year of exploring small towns, i have learned many interesting and unexpected things. One topic that has consistently caught my eye, is how many towns are making use of public art as an economic driver – as well as a way to bring vibrancy to their place! Creative districts are known to:

  • Promote your community’s creative identity
  • Grow jobs in the creative sector
  • Increase tourism and bring new visitors
  • Attract artists, start-ups, and creative businesses
  • Create opportunities for affordable housing. This may include live/work and maker spaces for artists.
  • Boost livability
  • Redevelop historic assets in your community

Through online research, i have learned that many of these towns are taking advantage of economic programs promoted by their states. Below are several examples of Statewide Economic programs around Public Art and Creative Districts. The program descriptions were copied from their websites.

Washington Art Districts

Creative Districts helps Washington communities thrive. This award-winning program works to grow the creative sector. It helps communities turn cultural activities into economic growth.

A Creative District is a fun place to live, work, and visit. It’s geographically defined area of cultural and economic activity. It’s the heart of a community. It is a place for people to gather and enjoy their community’s arts and culture.

A district is a place where innovation and creativity can thrive. A place that helps the community move enthusiastically into the future.

Colorado Creative Districts

The Colorado Creative Districts program certifies communities that contribute to our state’s economy through creativity, culture, and the arts. The program’s goal is to help communities increase jobs, incomes, and investments in creative places.

New Mexico

New Mexico Arts & Cultural Districts promote the exceptional art and history of New Mexico in unique communities that create dynamic and economically vibrant districts. The districts featured on this website represent the breadth of New Mexico’s cultural heritage, celebrate historic buildings, traditional and contemporary art forms and offer a variety of opportunities in the visual and performing arts, as well as agriculture and experiential offerings.

North Dakota

Arts Across the Prairie: Placemaking in Rural North Dakota is a first-of-its-kind, statewide, public art program from North Dakota Council on the Arts (NDCA). This program will create eight large-scale public works – one for each geographic region in the state – that reflect the unique history, landscape, and cultural heritage of each region. All eight works will be placed in rural locations. This program is in collaboration with the North Dakota Department of Transportation (a first in the US) and North Dakota Tourism/Commerce.

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